What to look for when browsing dating profiles
Many dating profiles look promising. The profile photos are great, their hobbies exciting, and their self-description makes them seem irresistible. But despite all this, you end up on a disappointing first date! Learn how to avoid this right here. Photos in particular can be very misleading. If the self-description contains little text, it can be tricky to assess the person properly. If they get in touch with you, it's a good idea to ask them about their hobbies and their take on life. Don't just rely on a nice photo, instead try to get to know them a little better before considering a date.
More than a nice photo
But a photo can tell you a lot about a person too, of course. The kind of photo they choose tells you a lot about a person. Has the user opted for a photo in which they are smiling and look relaxed? Or do you see someone in a tense pose, sitting on the sofa at home, at worst? Does the person photograph themselves with status symbols, such as a car, luxury vacation, and a nice wardrobe? Or do they have other friends or acquaintances in the pictures? Depending on your own preferences, you may feel attracted or deterred by this. What should definitely deter you is a stoic, grouchy facial expression, a chaotic-looking home in the background or an ex who has obviously been cropped out from the photo (almost like a place-holder for the next partner). Because being with such a person will make you unhappy sooner rather than later. Make sure that the person in the photo looks well-groomed and has chosen a tidy or neat background as a backdrop for the photo. This also demonstrates that the person probably also leads tidy life. If someone chooses a photo that includes a previous partner, that might mean they are a co-dependent person who does not have a life of their own outside a partnership. Otherwise they would have posted photos in other situations that the partner does not appear in.
The best way to find the perfect partner
Dating tips are a dime a dozen. Some are helpful, others are not. Nevertheless, there are some dating tips that generally lead to success. You can find out what they are in this guide.
Enjoy your life
Perhaps one of the most important dating tips is to enjoy your life whether you have a partner or not. This is no doubt often easier said than done. But it's still extremely important. That's because unhappy or frustrated people are not necessarily everyone's first choice. It really shows when someone is dissatisfied with themselves or their lives. Therefore, it is important to regularly treat yourself to little happy moments in your everyday life. Whether it's enjoying a cosy evening on the couch or working out in the gym several times a week. Do what makes YOU happy. This is how you will magically attract other people who will want to share in your happiness.
Remain authentic
Which people do we like best? Those who are themselves. For this reason, it is also essential to remain true to yourself when looking for a partner. Besides, in the long run, it is no use to pretend to be something you're not. The moment of truth comes at some point in every relationship. If you have pretended your way through the relationship until then, the disappointment will be even greater.
Dating tips for everyday life: Keep your eyes open
Love often hits you unexpectedly. So keep your eyes open when you're seeking a partner. No matter if you're going to the bakery for bread rolls or waiting in line at the supermarket - it is theoretically possible to meet a suitable counterpart at any given time. It doesn't necessarily always have to be at the club or a party. If you are short on time, it might also be worth considering the ever so popular world of online dating. It it easy to integrate it into your everyday life and offers numerous opportunities to meet others. Apps or portals are ideal for this.
Get social during your free time
It is rather unlikely that your perfect partner will knock on your door one day. So spend your free time in social settings where you can meet new people. You can get a sports club membership or participate in a continuing education course. On a practical note, if you meet your love here you will already know that you share common interests. As is well known, this builds the foundation for happy long-term relationships.
Don't seek desperately
Maybe you've already heard that trying too hard can be counterprodutive. Is it true? In principle, yes. Because just like negative auras, stressed seekers tend to have a deterring effect on others. Better any partner than none at all - this kind of thinking quickly becomes apparent when you have a tense attitude. And who wants to be an option? It is better to adopta relaxed attitude when searching for a partner. At the same time, it also takes away the pressure of having to find a partner. This kind of attitude actually makes you more attractive in the end - Especially in the eyes of people who are commonly referred to as dream partners.
Dating tips for 2025
Living in the age of dating apps, speed dating, and flirting workshops means we have more and more ways of finding the right partner. Read on to find out the most important flirting, dating, and post-date etiquette for 2021.
6 Dating Tips to give your year a much-needed boost
The following tips can help make dating in 2021 easier and more exciting at the same time:
#1 Being direct scores points.
If you'd like to have coffee with someone, feel free to say so. "I'd like to go out with you/Do you want to grab a beer?/Would you like to come to this event?" If you don't want to slip into a virtual penpal friendship on a hip dating apps or website, you'd better go all out and ask for a meeting within the first few message you exchange. There is a lot of competition on dating portals. Anyone who hesitates is quickly discarded in favor of another option.
#2 Don't do too much too fast.
Announcing that you have already fallen in love after the first date or bombarding your romantic interest partner with messages when you're not getting an equivalent reaction can quickly become too much. We're not suggesting you wait three days before answering a call or message, but a little restraint can't hurt either.
#3 No games or lies, please!
Playing games and telling lies are almost as old as dating itself. And they still generate two things above all else: disappointment and frustration. If you pretend or you invent exciting stories to seem more interesting, then you will be missing out on a lot of possibilities. Even those who use so-called clever methods to make the other person fall in love or at least stick by your side for a while do not create a positive situation. If in doubt, always ask yourself how you would like to be treated and act accordingly.
#4 No means no
And so does a lack of response. People often have a hard time refusing additional dates or rejecting a person with a direct "no." Therefore, it is important to know how to interpret and accept the signs. What is called "ghosting" is none other than good old ignoring and hoping that there will be no arguments and no scene. Respect the rejection and ask for a reason on time at most. But don't pressure the other person. This will benefit neither of you.
#5 Listening
People have always wanted one thing more than anything else well before the invention of datings apps or text messaging: To be heard and understood. Unfortunately, this happens pretty rarely. So set yourself apart from the rest by listening actively. Ask questions that are not just about work and exciting vacations. This is the only way to establish a real connection.
#6 Opt for variety rather than luxury
Going out to eat in a fancy restaurant naturally has its appeal. But when you're going on first dates and getting to know someone, it's better to spring for a little variety. Visit different places, go for a walk, have a picnic or visit the zoo. Having these outings will help you get to know each other much better and awkward conversation lulls either won't occur or will quickly get filled.
The best ideas for a first date
You have met someone on an online dating portal and would now like to see them face-to-face. The first date can be a beautiful and long-lasting memory. Follow these tips to ensure that your first date will be a complete success.
The Location
How about some pedal boating? Instead of the usual coffee or restaurant dinner, you can spring for something a little different to create a lasting memory. There are various outdoor summer activities you can do in this sense. For instance, a round of mini golf can also make for a great afternoon. In winter you can visit an exhibition or attend a concert together and get to know each other. This provides the perfect conversation topic.
Take it easy
Don't go on a first date with too many expectations. Follow the motto: Everything is possible, nothing is mandatory. Avoid the pressure of expectations and look forward to a nice afternoon or evening. If it doesn't work out, at least you will have had a new experience. Accept a "no" and only say "yes" if you really want to. You can't go wrong this way.
Be yourself
What do I wear? Which hairstyle should I choose? Should I wear make-up or not? These are the kinds of questions that run through any woman's mind before a first date. Men can feel just as unsure about how to present themselves too. The answer is very simple for both: Be natural. Imagine you're going out to spend a nice evening at a good bar or restaurant with friends. Wear the clothes you like. Put on as much make-up as you feel comfortable wearing. And do your hair as you please. Be sure to treat yourself to an extensive beauty ritual in advance. If you are freshly showered and well-groomed, you will feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.
The right conversation topics
Give your date a special touch by foergoing the typical status-checking questions about job, hobbies, and family. Think of a few special questions for your date. For example: "What would you do if you woke up in the body of the opposite sex one morning? You can find many examples of such questions online.
How to become a dating pro in just 3 steps
A relationship can be so beautiful - we just have to get through the process of meeting, getting to know each other, and dating. This can be tough because nervousness naturally occurs in most people and that is exactly what makes us stutter and get sweaty hands when dating. So how can we avoid breaking out in a sweat when reaching out to someone for the first time? The following three steps show you just that.
Step 1: Boost your self-esteem
If you like yourself and are satisfied with yourself, you will feel more secure and also more comfortable around your partner. But how can you raise your self-esteem? Although this varies from person to person, there are some common factors. These include:
Caring and pampering:
A well-groomed and healthy appearance clearly show that we are worth the time and effort. If you treat yourself to a massage every now and then, a special care product or a relaxing bath - in short, if you care for yourself and pamper yourself - you can definitely gain self-esteem.
Become aware of your achievements:
Everyone has achieved something in their life or has developed certain strengths. Taking care of others, making people laugh, academic or professional success - whatever you can be proud of - are all things you should remind yourself of, especially when you are nervous or feel incapable. You have surely already faced greater challenges than talking to someone or inviting them out for a coffee.
Maintain interests and relationships:
Building RC models, training animals, sewing, repairing cars, or talking to friends: Interests and relationships with friends and family give you satisfaction, support, and self-confidence.
Step 2: Start small, be honest and genuinely interested.
Do you find it difficult to approach people you find attractive? You are definitely not alone on this one. Instead of making up supposedly cool pick-up lines, just rely on the following steps to achieve dating success:
Start small:
If you find it difficult to interact with unknown people, then practice. Work up the nerve to engage in a short conversation at the checkout. Smile at strangers as they pass by. You will soon find it easier to strike up a conversation with others. Dating should also start small. You don't have to immediately go on a date with someone who makes you super nervous.
Why not start by meeting people who you simply like? You can practice dating in a relaxed way and maybe even make some friends or at least some nice acquaintances.
Be honest:
Hello, I've seen you here a few times but I just couldn't bring myself to talk to you is definitely better than a sophisticated pick-up line. If you are shy, just admit it. If you don't know what to say, use this as an opener. "I'd love to have coffee with you sometime, but I just don't know how to ask you." It's simple, honest and to the point.
Show real interest:
When we find someone attractive, we often notice the little things about them. But true interest only shows if it goes beyond outer appearance. Practice becoming a good listener. Listen carefully and ask questions. Hardly anything is as pleasant and attractive to people than someone who is a good listener.
Step 3: Add some excitement!
Exciting and varied activities have certain advantages. For example, doing an activity tends to alleviate nervousness. It is also a way to create memories and have more fun. When adrenaline levels rise, attraction also increases.
Darts, pool, bowling, mini golf, board games and co. provide entertainment. There won't be room for awkward pauses. Even if you wind up losing, it will give you and your date something to laugh about.
How about a beginner dance lesson or a short cooking class with a professional chef? A drive-in movie theater and a picnic can revamp the traditional date.